Institute of Sports & Arts Hong Kong ltd.
We are a member of -
Causeway Bay Dojang 銅鑼灣道場
Institute of Sports and Arts HK 香港體藝訓練中心
16/F, Chung Wai Commercial Building, 447-449 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay
Color Belt Promotion Test: Tentatively Mar 30 (SUN) 1:30-7:00pm
All Info are subject to change without public notice. (Last update: 8/1/2025)
SPRING Learning, Wan Chai
3/F, Centre Point, 181-185 Gloucester Road
灣仔告士打道181-185號 中怡商業大廈 3樓全層
WED 3:00pm - 4:00pm for ages 3-6
SAT 12:30pm - 1:30pm for ages 3-6
All dates are subject to change without public notice. (Last update: 27/08/2024)
Adult & Teenager Session
These training sessions are tougher than a normal interest class. Participants can expect program with high intensity and advanced contents.
Dedicating individuals with decent character may be invited to become an instructor trainee.
For more details, please contact us.
Competition Team Training
This training is specifically for our HKG Poomsae Team Members or shortlisted Poomsae Athletes.
Wednesday 5:00 - 6:15pm
Institute of Sports and Arts HK
16/F, Chung Wai Commercial Building, 447-449 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay